

The Foundation for the Benefit of Helias Catholic High School, Inc. is offering a grant program for Helias Catholic High School Teachers, Directors and Sponsors seeking financial assistance for the upcoming academic school year.

Who is Eligible?
  • A current Helias Catholic High School Teacher, Director or Sponsor who is seeking financial assistance for items within their classroom or activity on an educational or fine arts basis.
  • If you are awarded the grant from the Foundation, you are not eligible to reapply for 4 years from the grant received.
Completed applications will include:
  • A completed application form with all requested information attached and returned to the Foundation Office by 4:30 pm on October 13, 2025.
  • Applications MUST be approved by a Helias Catholic High School administrator before being submitted to the Foundation.
  • APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE AN AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE FROM A HELIAS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR TO BE CONSIDERED. Please download and/or print the Grant Application Authorization form attached below and include with your application package.
How much can I receive?

Grants vary per year and per request with a maximum gift up to $2,000.00.

How are Recipients Chosen?

A selection committee is comprised of the Foundation for the Benefit of Helias Catholic High School, Inc. Board of Directors and administrative staff.  Applications will be screened for eligibility prior to being reviewed by the selection committee.  Applicants will receive letters of acceptance, or denial of grants by mid-December 2025.

How Do I Apply?
What Am I Required to provide if I receive a Grant?
  • Awardees would help volunteer time/talent at a Foundation event, if needed.
  • By March 1 provide the Foundation office a detailed one-page overview of the benefit of receiving this grant. Please provide photographs along with written summary.

NOTE: It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all parts of the application are properly completed and delivered by the deadline date. Incomplete applications will not be considered.  Mail all application materials to the Foundation for the Benefit of Helias Catholic High School, Inc. office – 1312 Southwest Blvd, Suite 103, Jefferson City, MO 65109.

Need More Information?

Contact: Mike Bruns, Executive Director
Phone:  (573) 635-3808 or