Alumni Spotlight
Chris Schneider
The Foundation for the Benefit of Helias Catholic High School would like to introduce Chris Schneider as one of the newest members of our board of directors. But more so, we would like to recognize Chris with this edition of the Helias Alumni Spotlight.
Chris graduated from Helias in 2004, then attended the University of Missouri, where he earned his Master of Accountancy degree. He is currently employed as a member at Williams-Keepers LLC.
Chris is married to Kelly (Rice) Schneider, who is also a Helias alum (Class of 2002). They have two children, Nolan (7) and Olivia (3), and the family are all members of the St. Peter Parish.
Chris counts hunting, fishing, golf, and canoeing/camping as his top hobbies and free-time activities.
Chris gives back to his local community through his involvement with the community-based mentoring program through Big Brothers-Big Sisters. “Our family has a blast with my “little,” Schneider explains. “It brings me so much joy, especially seeing my son interact with him.”
He has also given a significant amount of time by serving as a member of the Helias Foundation Golf Tournament committee.
What are some of your fondest memories of your time at Helias?
“The camaraderie of the soccer team and spending time with friends. Some of my best friends are high school buddies.”
What impact did Helias and/or your teachers/coaches/etc. make on you?
“Helias taught me the importance of responsibility, teamwork, dedication and faith. Helias built the foundation that helped shape me to be the person I am today.”
How do you feel Helias personally prepared you academically and/or socially for your future (school, career, etc.)?
“Helias does a great job preparing students for life after high school. Not only are they strong academically, but they also learn to be kindhearted people. I felt very prepared entering college, both academically and socially. Helias does a great job preparing students to take on the world!”
Thus far in your life, what do you feel are your greatest achievements/accomplishments?
“Being able to continuously grow as a husband and father and learning from the past. Also, being a loyal, consistent and reliable “Big Brother” in BBBS.”
What does “Helias Community” mean to you?
“Helias Community doesn’t end when you graduate. I’m proud to say I am an alumnus and love the relationships it has fostered. The strength of the community is evident in the number of people sharing their time and other resources with Helias.”
What was your motivation for joining the Foundation board?
“Helias is an excellent institution and this is a great way to both help out, and get to know the Helias Community even better. My kids will eventually go to school here and I would love to do my part to help ensure it is still a strong school academically, socially, and spiritually.”
What makes you proud to say you’re a Crusader?
“The students are great. They are so respectful; it makes me proud seeing them in public. It makes me proud knowing that generations of my family attended and will continue to attend and thrive in this school for many more.”
— Kris Wilson / Foundation for the Benefit of Helias Catholic High School
** If you know of any Helias alum who’s proud to say they’re a #CrusaderforLife, please send their name and contact information to
Each month we’ll focus on a new and different member of the Helias family. Whether they passed through these halls 60 years ago or their cap and gown still have that new smell, we want to know all about where life has taken our Crusaders and how their time at Helias helped them along the way!
Do you know a graduate of Helias who deserves to be featured in an upcoming Alumni Spotlight? It doesn’t matter whether they still live here in this community, or if they’re doing big things somewhere far away. If we can reach them, we’d love to feature them. Please feel free to send us a name, contact information, and a brief description of why you feel they deserve to be recognized to or call us at (573) 635-3808. We want everyone to know what our Crusaders are doing, regardless of when they graduated or where they live. If they’re an example to you, they can be an example to many, and we’d love to tell their story!
To nominate someone for the Alumni Spotlight, email